MENS WILMOTT CUP organised by Table Tennis England
Saturday 23rd April at Byng Hall TTC Tunbridge Wells
West Kent just pipped by Hastings
The West Kent team of Diccon Gray (Weald TTC), Owe Karlsson (Byng Hall TTC), Mark
Romano (Leigh RBL TTC) played well to go unbeaten into the deciding match with
Hastings, who were also unbeaten. Both teams defeated good sides from Guildford and
Crawley/Horsham after some really excellent quality controlled, attacking table tennis
where no player went through the competition without losing. The individual highlight was
Mark Collins of Crawley/Horsham defeating the highest rated player, Ritchie Venner of
West Kent took a 2-1 lead against Hastings with Diccon and Mark overcoming Ritchie
Venner and David Butler in the doubles, Diccon having defeated David and Mark losing to
Ritchie. Needing one of the two remaining games (with matches played simultaneously on
two tables), Diccon took Ritchie to five, going 2-1 up before losing out. Mark Romano took
on David pulling it back to 2-2. The Diccon/Ritchie match having concluded it was all eyes
on the this last leg of Mark versus David. David played exceptionally well and took the leg
11-8. Hastings go on to represent the South East in the finals. West Kent look to try again
next year and turn the tables in their favour.
West Kent v Hastings
1-0 Diccon Gray v David Butler 6 -8 -8 3 5
1-1 Mark Romano v Ritchie Venner -7 -8 9 -6
2-1 Gray/Romano v Venner/Butler 12 5 6
2-2 Diccon Gray v Ritchie Venner 10 -11 7 -7 -3
2-3.Mark Romano v David Butler 5 -8 -9 7 -8
The West Kent team squad members Dean Chipperfield (Leigh RBL TTC) and Paul
Livermore (Otford TTC) valuably carried out umpiring duties, looked after the three visiting
teams, dealt with match logistics as well as supporting their team. West Kent captain
Diccon Gray said "It was an excellent all round squad performance".
Guildford Michael Hill and Chris Bush P3 W0 L3 F3 A12
lost to Crawley/Horsham 2-3 lost to West Kent 0-5 lost to Hastings 1-4
Crawley/Horsham Mark Collins and Dan Pound P3 W1 L2 F5 A10
lost to West Kent 1-4 lost to Hastings 1-4
West Kent Diccon Gray Owe Karlsson Mark Romano P3 W2 L1 F11 A4
lost to Hastings 2-3
Hastings Ritchie Venner and David Butler P3 W3 L0 F11 A4
West Kent players Diccon Gray played 6 won 5 Owe Karlsson played 4 won 3 Mark
Romano played 2 won 0 Doubles played 3 won 3 (Diccon 3, Owe 2, Mark 1).
Report from R. Harris WKTTA.

elcc_wilmott_cup_regional_group_8_2016.pdf |